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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hairstyle Trends.

Hairstyle Trends

Hairstyle Trends

No Hairstyle Trend Lasts Forever!!

I saw this in today’s news and couldn’t resist passing it along. I’m kind of wondering, what was she thinking? Does anyone else get one big, hulking headache, just picturing this?  However, she seems to be a determined young soul who must do what destiny begs of her to do. She is an Indian woman, who by nature is blessed with beautiful thick hair, but that still would not be reason enough, for most of us, to come to the conclusion that this is what we could do with it!
This got me thinking . . . every generation makes it’s own mark in the world of evolving hair. I figure, this woman must be working on just another alternative for the energy crisis we find ourselves in today! Who are we to say what this could evolve into? Just look at the effect some generations of the past have contributed to our hair trend history time-line.
  • 500 B.C. in western Africa, sticks and clay are used as early versions of curlers and setting gel. The end result resembled dreadlocks.
  • First century A.D.— Dark hair is fashionable among Romans, who create a dye from boiled walnuts and leeks.
  • 1300’s — European women conditioned their hair with dead lizards boiled in olive oil.
  • 1500’s — French women frizz their hair with heat, then sculpt it to towering heights.
  • 1550 — “Blonding” becomes popular. One recipe for lightening hair calls for a mixture of honey, celandine roots, olive madder, white wine, cumin seed oil, box shavings and saffron. This was left on the hair for 24 hours then, washed off with lye and ashes.
  • 1780’s — In France, long before the advent of punk, hair is powdered in blue, violet, white, pink and yellow pastels.
  • 1860’s — Clip-on hair pieces come into fashion.
  • 1905 — Charles Nestle creates the first permanent wave machine.
  • 1920 — History records first hair dryer, inspired by the vacuum-cleaner hose.
  • 1934 — “Dry cleaning” becomes a time saving alternative to shampooing. The two best-known “dry-cleaners” on the market are found to be highly flammable and toxic. One woman becomes disfigured when her “dry” shampoo explodes.
  • 1971 — The first hand held hair dryer makes a new range of “blow and go” styles possible.
  • 1975 — Endless variations on Afrocentric braids (cornrows) are widely embraced.
  • 1988 — Sinead O’Connor’s shaved head starts a trend among rebellious young women.

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