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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mens Grooming: Helping your Men look Better.

Most Guys Can Use Some Coaching on Mens Grooming

Men, we can’t live with them . . .  can’t live without them. We love them for their masculinity. A five o’clock shadow is very sexy. Ladies, we could mostly all admit, at times, a little scruff is very handsome. At the same time, how much is too much? Gentle diplomacy is required when your man does not pay attention to the mens grooming issues the way you wish he would. Is he about to meet your parents for the first time or is a special occasion approaching?
Start pointing out hair styles you think would compliment your guy and approach it as a compliment. For example,”Wow. You’d look great with that haircut.” It may take a few tries to get him thinking about mens grooming. Gift cards from the salon or barber shop you choose is a good way to gently nudge him in the right direction.

Call in the professionals

There is a huge difference between a barber shop style and a salon cut. Knowing what you are looking for and the difference between the two will help you to guide your beau in the right direction. Although there are many exceptions to the rules below, in order to keep it simple follow these basic pointers to be safe. You’ll have one shot at this and if it goes well your man will look fabulous and pay attention to mens grooming forever!

Barbershop cutting is a breed of it’s own

Barbers are experts with clippers and trimmers. This means they favor the buzzers for the majority of the haircut. They create what’s commonly known as a fade. This is great for the street style type or the clean cut military look. For a barber, scissors are usually used on the top of the head. If the hair needs texture they will use texturizing shears.
Barbers also favor using a razor on the edges to finish the look. This is to make the hairline exact. This is why some guys leaving a barber will have a distinct line around the forehead and side burns. If you like a buzz cut but not the edges done with a razor, it’s simple to
ask to not finish the cut that way. When getting a barber shop haircut it is best to return every 2-4 weeks. Barbering appointments are normally quicker. They tend to grow out faster due to the shortness of the hair which makes them lose their shape faster. These days barbering is really pushing the style envelope so ask around and you will find a barber creating trendy styles.
  mens grooming

Hair stylist’s primary technique is scissors

Hairstylists at a salon will generally use scissors to cut men’s hair. They will use trimmers to clean unwanted neck and beard hairlines. Typically in the salon, edges may be left more piecey making the edges more natural. This is done to compliment the blow out and products added along with the texturizing. Texturizing can be done a variety of ways sometimes razoring the hair itself for a looser free flowing effect or using the scissors to actually notch out extra hair. Salon cuts take more time typically and include a shampoo and blow dry. Men who like to cut their hair less often tend to prefer a salon cut being the softness is able to be cut in to the hair making it look not so definite as a buzz cut.

Hair type matters

Hair type comes in to play when picking the best method for men’s hair. Some hair looks great faded and makes unruly hair polished. Other hair types are shown off with a great scissor cut and the right styling product. Either way he won’t know until a professional consultation is done.

Choosing the right hair stylist

Every stylist has a specialty. Not all hairdressers are proficient in men’s cutting and/or barbering so don’t assume your favorite hair stylist is right for the job. On the other hand, know when to back off. If he does seem open to the idea you can find a good hair stylist simply by asking somebody where they got their haircut. When you see a great haircut on the street simply ask!

Stay home, let the professionals do their job

Most importantly never accompany your man to the appointment. If so go get a cup of coffee or hang out in the reception area. Hair stylists and male clients alike always hate hovering helicopter spouses so don’t be one! You wouldn’t want him interrupting your appointment so don’t barge in on his. Respect him and know you did your mens grooming research. After that . . . Hands off!!! The hair stylist will do the rest.
Contributing author Katelyn Capko has provided clients with professional cutting edge styling and cutting techniques at the exclusive Carmine Minardi NYC salon on Madison Ave in the heart of the Upper East Side of Manhattan for the past several years. You can follow Kate on Twitter.

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